Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Commit to Daily Focus on Your Goals

"The only person who succeeds is the person who is progressively realizing a worthy ideal.  That's the person who says, 'I'm going to become this' - and then begins to work toward that goal." -Earl Nightingale, Author of The Strangest Secret

Do you wish you could accomplish a seemingly impossible goal?  For example:

*Reshaping your body
*Learning a new language
*Changing careers
*Making more money
*Learning a new skill

Well stop wishing, your goals can become your reality.  You have to show your subconscious that you are serious about accomplishing those goals.  Your subconscious will open your mind's eye to the answers to help you accomplish your goal.

But how do you show your subconscious that you are serious?  You do this by applying daily persistent and dedicated focus on your goals.

If you focus on your goal and do something , anything in reference to your goal, you can turn your goal into your reality sooner than you think.

Daily commitment to your goal causes you to:
  • Knock down obstacles
  • Breakthrough brick walls
  • Breakthrough mental barriers
 By committing to some kind of daily activity and focus on your goal, you will:
  •  Discover opportunities
  • Find new technologies
  • Discover new strategies
  • Learn new skills
  • Find new resources
  • Meet the right people
  • Open your mind's eye to answers that were already in your face but you just couldn't see because of mental barriers
 Whatever you focus on becomes your reality; your subconscious makes sure of that. Your subconscious can work for you or against you, but really it is up to you.  What are you focusing on; success, failure or laziness.

For more information and resources on your subconscious, visit: .